Sunday, November 23, 2008

Main Assignment Server was down temporarily

Reading Vijay Pande's blog (posts 1 & 2), it seems the Main Assignment Server was out of action for approximately an hour, which wasn't to worry as they have other backup servers in place for times like these. This all happened at approximately 4:30 PM PST November 21 (so just before lunch, 11:30 AM AEDT, November 22 here on the Aussie East Coast!)

The main consequence is that the Stats system had to hold off updating for a while, so the Team/Donor stats might not have appeared to update for a few hours. All work unit credits were still counted, but they just might have taken a while to get credited to the Stats system. All should be good now.

PST = Pacific Standard Time = UTC-8
AEDT = Australian Eastern Daylight Time = UTC+11

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