If you refer back to the 500k points milestone posted in early June, you'll see that we have certainly come a long way as a team, meeting some expectations set down, and exceeding others.
"The 1,000,000 point milestone should be less than 12 months away now" - It took 19 months to achieve the first 500k points. Turned out to be only a bit over 4 months to achieve the next 500k!
"Team PPD (Points Per Day) figures now average atleast 2,000 PPD with regular figures of 3,000 PPD" - Average figures are now between 4,000 ~ 5,000 with regular 7,000 ~ 9,000 'days'.
"Hopefully recruitment wise we can get a couple of SMP client-running members, and possibly some GPU folders for some big PPD figures" - Whilst i'm not sure about any team members running the SMP client, I do know that we have successfully recruited 2 GPU folders! And yes, they are certainly helping our daily points production!
Exact figures for the team are as follows - 1,000,174 points from 4,098 work units, and a 1,375th position out of 145,334 all-time teams.
I'd just like to thank everyone who is currently folding for Aussie Rules Footy - Team 52735, as well as past members who have contributed to the total points figure we have now. I'm now looking forward to seeing many new team members joining up and pushing ahead for Aussie Rules Footy's 2m Points Milestone!